The health and safety of our students, choir members and staff remain at the forefront of services, and any updates or changes to our health and safety policies will be reflected with full transparency on this webpage and announced in our weekly newsletter.
Private lessons, workshops and choir rehearsals are held in person for all students and choir members. We also offer a virtual option via Zoom for all our services.
Choir members, students, staff and visitors are required to follow the health and safety measures listed here for all private lessons, workshops and rehearsals held at our studio:
Masks are optional and encouraged at choir rehearsals, workshops and private lessons. However, we may require masks whenever there is a surge or outbreak in COVID, RSV or flu cases in the community.
You are encouraged to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer (we have hand sanitizer available throughout the studio) upon arrival at the rehearsal.
We will have air purifiers running during your lesson, workshop or choir rehearsal to ensure optimal air quality.
If you are feeling under the weather or are experiencing any symptoms of illness, you are not allowed to come to indoor rehearsals or private lessons - please notify your teacher and attend your lesson or rehearsal virtually.
High contact areas will be frequently sanitized, and high contact equipment such as microphones will be sanitized after every use.
Any student, choir member or staff member who does not follow the safety guidelines and protocols will be asked to leave the lesson or rehearsal immediately.
Please note that these policies are subject to change, and we are constantly looking to new data regarding the safety of singing indoors. We act in accordance with the guidelines provided by the BCCDC, and with the health and safety of our immunocompromised members in mind.